Business Manager Overview
Manage ad accounts, pages and the people working on them from one place. Create a separate advertising account for each customer or company you work for, pay for ads with different payment methods, and organize reports by target. If you have customers, you can request access to their pages and advertising accounts to become an analyst or advertiser....

Start your adwords automated campaign right now, it’s gonna be amazing.
01. Great results by spending less in Google Adwords
02. Prevent loosing your margin on Google Adwords
03. Pay a custom amount regarding your investment-level
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“We optimized our campaign in a few days and saved thousands of dollars, this is amazing.”
CEO of XYZ company
Start your adwords automated campaign right now, it’s gonna be amazing.
01. Great results by spending less in Google Adwords
02. Prevent loosing your margin on Google Adwords
03. Pay a custom amount regarding your investment-level
Start Now >

“We optimized our campaign in a few days and saved thousands of dollars, this is amazing.”
CEO of XYZ company