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5 pitfalls to avoid when launching automated ad campaigns.

Today, automation and artificial Intelligence are the keys to successful online advertising campaigns. It is therefore important to understand how it works and how to avoid pitfalls that could negatively affect end results.

In this article, we will highlight the 5 most common pitfalls that we have identified.

Analyzing performance too quickly

The more stable, long-term data an ad campaign has, the better it can form predictions and optimise for results. An advertiser should be patient and not take conclusions the first weeks after launch.

Making constant changes to campaigns

Ad campaigns based on artificial intelligence need to learn. Major and frequent changes may increase the learning period and delay the aimed results. 

Note that important required changes will be highlighted on your Intaon dashboard if needed.

Aiming for too aggressive targets

When setting up targets (cost per conversion, cost per lead, etc) for your ad campaigns, you should aim for realistic ones. 

Talk with your Instaon representative if you would like to be guided on how to setting up the right ones for your business.

Overlooking high conversion delay when analyzing performance

Long conversion delays can make it seem like ad campaigns are performing poorly when measuring a recent time frame. Make sure to take miminum 30 days time frames when analysing performances.

Looking at the wrong metrics

When you setup an ad campaign, it should have one specific goal. As a consequence, you should only consider that chosen goal as success metric.  

At Instaon, we are using automation & powerful AI algorithms to make high-performing online advertising accessible to anyone.  Start today on our free plan and don’t hesitate to talk with one of our representative if you have any questions.

One Reply to “5 pitfalls to avoid when launching automated ad campaigns.”

  1. I love your explanations about online advertising, am in my early stages of start-up business, with no income yet. I hope to use your valued service in future.
    Best regards,

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