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5 Types of Google Analytics Reports You should Know About.

Are you a beginner to Google Analytics? Do you know the different reporting you can get about your website?

Google Analytics is an important tool that provides access to valued data in terms of how users interact with your website, how much traffic you receive, and from where. Google Analytics can be integrated on your website through code or WordPress plugin, Site Kit.

These Google Analytics insights allow you to make the most of your data. By analyzing this data, you can make smarter decisions related to your business and you can understand your website/app performance in terms of content, products, and marketing. The latter is important if you have campaigns running on Google Ads, Facebook, or Microsoft. If you want to start now creating your ads, visit our website to learn more about our Instaon campaign’ tool creation.

In this article, we will explain five sections of reporting in Google Analytics which are on your dashboard, divided into the segments Real-Time, Audience, Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversions


Real-Time reporting shows you activities as they happen on your site or app. Every interaction is reported seconds after it occurs. For example, you can see how many people are on your site right now, and their locations. You can also see where they come from and how long they stay on your site and if there is a specific page they’re interacting with most. In Real-Time, you can instantly and continuously monitor the effects of changes made on your site and campaigns have on your traffic.


Audience reporting can tell you a lot about your site’s visitors. This report can help you find detailed reports for your visitors’ demographics such as age and gender. Furthermore, it reports their interests, their location, their language, and their behavior in terms of the number of website’ visits and the technology they use to view your website if it’s mobile or others.


The Acquisition Report provides details about your audience in terms of how they find your website, and what they do, or what action they took once they get there. Acquisition will allow you to know what drove visitors to your website as it broke down the traffic by source. You can also learn a lot about traffic from social media, and how your PPC campaigns are performing.


Behavior report provides data about users’ actions and their path on your site, such as the content they view, and how you’re your content and pages load. Thus, this report can help you know about your content, including the top events, pages, and terms on your website.


Conversions reporting is all about completed actions. You can see how many conversions each of your URLs received, and see also the path that visitors took to complete the conversion.

Finally, Google Analytics can help you with your business in many ways. It provides you with valuable data to improve the performance of your website and to grow your conversions.

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