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Why don’t I see my ads in Google or Bing?

This is a recurring question from our Instaon clients. We will give your 3 reasons why there’s no point in trying to see your own ads in Google or Bing: 

1) Advertising budget

You most probably have a limited daily advertising budget. Therefore, Google & Bing try to distribute your budget throughout the day. Otherwise you would only have a few clicks in the morning and you would reach your daily budget by the early morning. This wouldn’t give space for time optimisations: are people signing up more in the afternoon ? Late at night?

Given this distribution throughout the day,  your ads are not triggered every time a user is searching for your keywords. 

So bad luck, it didn’t show up when you tried to see your ad. 😊 

2) Not relevant

You might have seen your ads in the past.  Obviously, you have  never clicked on them as you didn’t want to pay for them.

Google & Microsoft algorithms might see this as a signal; the given ads are not relevant to you. I mean, you never click on them! Therefore, after a while they might just stop showing you your ads.

Don’t forget search engines have only one mission: provide the most relevant content to their users.  

3) Patience required

You just created your ads, but you can’t see them? 

Google & Microsoft review all the ads before publishing them. This review process can sometimes take up to 3 business days. Patience is needed. 

If you want to see if your ads are being triggered, just refer to your Instaon (campaign) dashboards or directly within your Google & Microsoft Ads account.  You see impression & clicks ?  Ok, everything is running well and your target audience sees your beautiful ads.

You want to start with online advertising or improve your existing advertising campaigns? Start on our Instaon free plan today! 

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