Password Must be at least 8 characters long, one upper case, one lower case and one special character from the following list: @ [ [ ] ^ _ { } | | ~ and espace Ezaka pour l'Education malgache (A.E.E.E.M) is an association that works to improve education in Madagascar. Ezaka pour l'Education malgache is an association that works to improve education in Madagascar. It was founded by young compatriots who emigrated to France.....
Read More >Google adwords for education
Choosing the right keywords is extremely important to make the most of what Google adwords has to offer. So, here are some suggestions that will help an educational institution like you to choose the right keyword.
- Use keywords that are most relevant to your course offering. For example, if you're offering a technology course in New York, you can use keywords like technology course, technology New York, technology school, technology diploma and technology degree.
- Picking the right match type of keywords is also important. You can choose to have a broad match of all the keywords or have an exact match of the phrase keyword. It totally depends on your marketing goals and the budget allocated for this marketing strategy. In general, phrase match gives you better results at a lower cost, but will have the least coverage. Pick the match type that best suits you.
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Mar 04 2019
Ezaka for Malagasy Education
Some Statistics
The average smartphone Google ads CTR (click-through rate) drops 45 % between positions one and two.
43 % of new customers purchase something they saw in a YouTube ad.
Marketers exhaust 51 % of their money on mobile ads.